Let’s build bridges to overcome the barricades.

We’re excited and grateful, as always to be a part of this year’s Pink Dot Community Tent. Join us at Pink Dot as we proudly present a collection of LGBT, and LGBT-friendly community groups and organizations. Below is a statement that is jointly issued by the community groups participating at this year’s event.

Gayhealth is : Sex Life Healing Sunlight Nature Art Serenity Spirit

Welcoming You to the Community!

The Pink Dot SG Community Tent is an integral part of the event at Hong Lim Park every year.

We proudly represent the numerous LGBT and LGBT-friendly community groups that take up booths in the tent.

We are home-grown and locally-based, set up and run by passionate people. We are a vibrant showcase of what happens when like-minded individuals come together to organise ourselves and connect with each other.

We will be there to publicise our services and programmes; to give out freebies (because who in Singapore doesn’t like free stuff?); to organise some games and activities; to chill out and have fun; to recruit volunteers so that we can continue doing what we do; and generally to have a great time!

We are the heart and soul of Singapore’s LGBT community – we are counsellors and librarians, artists and students, professionals and volunteers, parents and advocates, singers and activists. We are diverse and coloured every shade of the rainbow, including pink!

We are also there to represent many others who cannot or will not be there because of their nationality, circumstances or other challenges. We will be there with and for our families, partners, loved ones, friends, allies and supporters.

And we would like to extend a GREAT BIG WELCOME for you to join us at the Community Tent. Unfortunately, the barricades will prevent some people from attending. But for every person who, for whatever reason, is unable or unwilling to be at Hong Lim Park on Saturday, 1st July 2017, there will be the rest of us who can and will.

Let’s build bridges to overcome the barricades. See you at the Pink Dot Community Tent!

Things you can do at Pink Dot

  • Pick up a badge

    Visit our booth and pick up a pledge badge.

  • Make a pledge

    Write your name, wear it with pride.

  • Ask us a question

    If you’ve any questions about what’s it like living with HIV, ask this bitch…