Entries by MSM Manager

Same-sex parenting

Did you know that studies show that same-sex parents focus 3.5 hours a day on their children whereas 2.5 hours a day with different-sex parents?
Developing confidence and self-esteem are skills LGBT people can thrive at, making them well-placed to help a child who needs to make sense of their place in the world

The new weapon in the fight against HIV

Gay saunas and night clubs are the traditional venues for many sexual liaisons, but these places are less of a concern to HIV prevention workers than the new route to finding sex: mobile phone applications.
Many young gay men now hook up through phone apps, but sexual health organisations are still using old-fashioned approaches to fight HIV. They send peer outreach workers to the physical places where young gay men are known to meet, but this overlooks a large portion who no longer frequent such places.

Why younger gay guys are not getting tested?

Study after study shows gay guys under 25 are not hearing, or worse not heeding, campaigns to protect their sexual health. As they discover and explore their sexuality, they are statistically at the highest risk for HIV of anyone in the U.S. While researchers work on innovative ways to reach younger guys, even already positive younger guys are less likely to have the virus in check when they get it, and more likely to go bareback.

Ah Boys 2 Bullies

Since the inception of major education reform in the 80’s, Singapore’s education system has blossomed into a globally recognized model for excellence – ranking 5th in the world in a 2012 education survey conducted by Pearson Group