Tag Archive for: Community

Celebrating Christmas and welcoming New Year 2016

I will like to thank all of you who are looking at this article, thank you for visiting our webpage and liking us on Facebook.

Wishing everyone Happy New Year and making it better for 2016!

Signing off,

FDA relaxes 32-year ban on blood donations from gay men

The Food and Drug Administration has relaxed its 32-year ban on blood donations from gay men. The ban was originally introduced in 1983 to protect people receiving blood transfusions from people infected with HIV.

Study on Predictors of HIV/AIDS Discrimination within the Singapore MSM community (Survey needed)

This study will measure the effect of internalized homophobia, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and personal responsibility beliefs as predictors of discrimination towards PLWHA within the MSM community, in the context of Singapore.

World AIDS Day Event 2015

Gayhealth.sg held an event to commemorate this day on December 5th, with the help from Taboo Club, OUTBar and Tantric Bar to utilize their venue . The Mobile Testing Vehicle was present on the day itself to provide free testing for the community too.

How AIDS Advertising Has Evolved

That dramatic shift in tone marks a trend in an industry that increasingly favours messages of support and hope versus shock and shame. The upbeat approach is fuelled by a better understanding of the disease, stronger treatment options and less stigma thanks to celebrities like Charlie Sheen speaking up about their status, Moses said.

380 new HIV cases among Singapore residents from January to October

Out of the 144 cases reported within the first six months of the year, sexual intercourse remains the main mode of HIV transmission – almost all cases were acquired through sexual intercourse. Half were from homosexual transmission, and 10 per cent were from bisexual transmission.

7 myths about HIV and AIDS you need to stop believing

We’re taught to fear HIV and AIDS like plagues — inevitable death sentences upon diagnosis.

But that’s simply not true, and it’s taken an unexpected source to point out the gaps and inaccuracies surrounding how we talk about HIV — actor and all-around controversial figure Charlie Shee

Coming out: How parents react is crucial

There will be some parents who will reject their offspring and continue to feel repulsed; some will insist that their child remain in the closet than to come out and face the external world with its varying shades of homophobia. But some will, with time and habituation, and by dint of parental love, come to tolerate and accept this part of their child.

Drugs can control HIV but cure a ‘long way off’

Professor Roy Chan, who is on the governing council of the International Aids Society and president of Action for Aids, told The Straits Times: “(The virus) infects and multiplies in a variety of organs – these include the brain, lymph nodes, genital tract and gut. These organs are reservoirs of HIV that are not treated and cannot be eliminated by conventional antiretroviral treatment…

What R U Into

“In an effort to stay as authentic as possible, we worked to create images that were an accurate depiction of the community,” Jackson says in a release. “To connect the mobile message with the L.A. LGBT Center’s new West Hollywood location, we shot all of the images at popular West Hollywood LGBT hotspots. We also used models who were a part of the LGBT community and represented the demographics that use these dating apps.”